Copy and paste the following in the head tag of your web code:
<script src=""></script>
Use the alertify() function to pop-up an alert and the toastify() function to use a toast.
alertify({ title:'Simple Alert', text:'This is a simple alert.', })
The alertify() function accepts an object as the argument. You can use the following keys in the object to set-up the custom alert box:
Name | Type |
title | string |
text | string |
html | html markup code |
confirmButtonText | string |
cancelButton | boolean |
denyButton | boolean |
cancelButtonText | string |
denyButtonText | string |
confirmButtonColor | a color |
cancelButtonColor | a color |
denyButtonColor | a color |
onConfirmed | function |
onCanceled | function |
onDenied | function |
footer | string |
input | boolean |
inputSetAttributes | Object (keys= attributes, values= values) |
removeBackdropBlur | boolean |
alertWidth | css width value |
animationIn | string ("scale-up" / "scale-down" / "fade-up" / "fade-down" / "fade-left" / "fade-right") |
animationOut | string ("scale-up" / "scale-down" / "fade-up" / "fade-down" / "fade-left" / "fade-right") |
darkMode | boolean |
alertBoxColor | a color |
alertBoxTextColor | a color |
alertPersistOnConfirmed | boolean |
alertPersistOnCanceled | boolean |
alertPersistOnDenied | boolean |
autoTimerClose | int (milliseconds) |
onAutoTimerClose | function |
The onConfirmed, onCanceled, onDenied, and onAutoTimerClose functions accept an argument which contain the value of the input (if it is there).
alertify({ title:'Sample Alert', html:'<b>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</b>, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.', cancelButton:true, denyButton:true, confirmButtonText:'Yes', denyButtonColor:'#bb86fc', onConfirmed:function(a){ console.log(a) }, footer:'This is so simple', input:true, inputSetAttributes:{ type:'number', }, animationIn:'fade-left', animationOut:'fade-left', darkMode:true, alertPersistOnCanceled:true, })
Use the alertify() function to pop-up an alert and the toastify() function to use a toast.
Name | Type |
toastBoxColor | a color |
toastBoxTextColor | a color |
toastBoxShadow | css shadow syntax |
toastBoxTextAlign | string |
toastWidth | css width |
animationIn | string ("scale-up" / "scale-down" / "fade-up" / "fade-down" / "fade-left" / "fade-right") |
animationOut | string ("scale-up" / "scale-down" / "fade-up" / "fade-down" / "fade-left" / "fade-right") |
text | string |
html | html markup code |
position | string ("top right" / "top left" / "bottom right" / "bottom left") |
toastCloseTimer | int (milliseconds) |
toastify({ text:'This is me!', toastBoxColor:'tomato', toastBoxTextColor:'white', toastBoxShadow:'none', toastBoxTextAlign:'center', toastWidth:'90vw', animationOut:'scale-up', position:'top left', toastCloseTimer:'1000', })